Your Consent

Thank you for allowing us to use images of your child/children in our communications. Please complete this form to give your written consent. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at or by calling 020 7482 5191. Thank you.

Click here to visit the form

  • Child/Young Person's Details

  • Parent/Carer Details

  • Consent

    I give permission for Spread a Smile to share information about the child/young person named above and me, where such information involves taking and using any (i) photographs, audio clips, or films of the child/young person, and (ii) personal quotes and messages from either me or the child/young person, in order to publicise Spread a Smile’s work (including in Spread a Smile’s marketing materials, PR, Spread a Smile’s website and social media and other websites and social media and to share with our supporters). I understand and acknowledge that: - the child/young person’s name will not be given to media or public without my express consent, and - this permission will continue until I provide Spread a Smile with written notification of cancellation, after which any images, audio or videos will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already published, printed or in circulation.
  • Online Consent

    By entering your name and the date below you are giving your consent online. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To do so, please email: or write to: Spread a Smile, 51 Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8AN