Few of us can resist toast. It is a blank canvas with endless possibilities. What to have on toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner became a continual discussion for home cook, Heidi Nathan and her good friend, Dame Maureen Lipman, on their socially distanced walks throughout lockdown. And, what started as banter, became a project and finally a cookbook.
Most of the recipes in This Book Is Toast have simple store-bought ingredients plus a bit of cooking and overall they’re simple, quick recipes that will lift every slice of toast, be it white, brown, wholemeal, seeded or sourdough.
Purchase your copy of This Book is Toast click HERE.
Heidi is Spread a Smile’s Trust & Foundation Manager and a key member of our fundraising team.
For any further information or to speak with the author, Heidi Nathan please contact fundraising@spreadasmile.org 020 7482 5191