Spread a Smile in-person visit to Southampton Children's Hospital

In-person visit to Southampton

780 400 Susie

Spread a Smile is proud to have been supporting patients on the Piam Brown oncology ward at Southampton Children’s Hospital through virtual visits since 2020. Earlier this month a team of Spread a Smile entertainers made our first in-person visit to the hospital, meeting 64 patients and spreading smiles and laughter across all of the paediatric inpatient wards.

Spread a Smile in-person visit to Southampton Children's HospitalOur team included fairies, Judge the Poet, Mr Magic and Sar with her guitar, bringing so much fun and many moments of distraction for the children and families we met.

We were joined by our friends from Hasbro who brought games, Play-Doh and colouring for patients to enjoy. Where they were able to, patients were invited to join us to participate in lots of board game and creative fun and the team also visited the wards to give out goody bags and Play-Doh to children who couldn’t leave their beds.

Victoria Torpey-Thomas, Playleader at Southampton Children’s Hospital told us, “We are extremely grateful to the wonderful Spread a Smile team and Hasbro for providing such a wonderfully fun time here at UHS. They created so many smiles and giggles not only to the patients but also their families and staff. It was so lovely to see their faces when the entertainers performed their many talents and the guys from Hasbro offered them their gifts. Even numerous days later patients, families and staff are still expressing how great you all were and the massive difference you made to everyone on the day. Thank you all so very much”

Thank you to everyone at Southampton Children’s Hospital for making us so welcome. Also, to Hasbro for giving up their time and supporting the visit, as well as Dorian Laurence and Momentum in Fitness charity, for generously funding the visit and joining us on the day to present the cheque.

To find out more about our services and hospitals we support, please click here.