BC partners art workshop

780 400 Susie

Spread a Smile’s talented team of artists regularly create murals and artworks for our hospital partners, making hospital wards and spaces more welcoming and attractive for young patients.

BC Partners Art workshopRecently, we held a special art workshop for our friends at the BC Partners Foundation which saw the BC Partners Central Functions Team create some beautiful window stencils to be distributed to Spread a Smile’s NHS hospital partners.

Spread a Smile’s talented artists led the session with passion and expertise, bringing their wealth of personal experience from supporting young patients in hospital.

It was a fun-filled day which saw the team from BC Partners tap into their creative side, producing some wonderful artworks which will help to enrich hospital wards and bring a little bit of joy and distraction to young patients undergoing treatment.

A huge thank you to everyone at the BC Partners Foundation for joining us and for their incredible support.

If your company is looking for a brilliant team building opportunity to reach your CSR and ESG objectives, please contact our Partnerships Manager Lucy Keith at lucykeith@spreadasmile.org to find out about joining us for one of our art workshops.