Spread a Smile joined our corporate supporters Lawsons at their Family Fun Day at the South of England Showground in Ardingly, West Sussex on 16th July.
The day was a grand day out, with over a thousand Lawsons employees and their families enjoying a funfair, pony trekking, music, food and a pamper area. Spread a Smile singer Collette Spinner compered the event, introducing bands onto the stage, as well as wowing the audience with some numbers of her own. Our face painters Marina Constantinou and Emma Antoniou decorated hundreds of faces over the course of the day, transforming the children into superheroes and animals, and even beautifying a few of the adults! Spread a Smile balloon modellers Bradley and Diana Bronson made over a thousand weird and wonderful inflated creations for the guests. And our very own Magic Martin Rees spent the day amazing the crowd with close-up magic.
Lawsons, the timber, building and fencing suppliers, have been invaluable supporters to Spread a Smile, helping to fund two of our Winter Wonderland Parties, the creation of our mascot Buddy, as well as innumerable hospital visits and special events for the children and their families throughout the last two years. Paul Sexton, Managing Director of Lawsons, wanted to support the charity after seeing us in action: “The slowest clock on the planet is a hospital clock. The biggest thing you can do for anybody that is ill is make them smile and create distractions which help control pain. These guys do it in spades. I have to say I have never ever witnessed something as special as the Spread a Smile team. They are truly, truly amazing at what they do.”
Lawsons held a raffle on the day, with proceeds going to Spread a Smile.
A huge thank you to Lawsons for their ongoing support for Spread a Smile; they really have helped us brighten so many days for the children and teenagers we visit in hospital.