Spread a Smile took five families of children receiving treatment at GOSH and other London hospitals to see ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ at The Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue on 25th July.
The show, based on Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks’ popular children’s book, was full of live music, puppetry and lots of audience participation, which got our families laughing and cheering! Emma Carroll, who plays Lily and the Ladybird in the play, said “It was wonderful to perform on the day our friends from Spread a Smile came to see ‘What the Ladybird Heard’! The audience was fantastic, joining in with the animal noises and singing. Thanks for visiting the Ladybird farm!”
The twenty guests of Spread a Smile loved the production. Shushma Jain, guardian to Layla, a three-year-old girl we visit at GOSH, said: “A big thank you to Spread a Smile for today! We all enjoyed ourselves. It was good to switch off: Spread a Smile organising the transport really made the trip very easy; it took so much pressure off. The kids loved the show. When Layla is not well, my mum and I spend a lot of time at the hospital with her, and my father who is retired and deaf looks after our other long-term foster child, so it was a lovely break for all five of us! They loved their goody bags too. Thank you so much!”
Thank you to Kenny Wax Family Entertainment who donated the tickets.
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